Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hello and welcome one and all to the Mother's Basement. This blog is a pet project of mine that has evolved from a column I do for my school newspaper. In it I will rant about video games and other nerdy shit I feel like talking about, and I might also do some reviews if the mood strikes me. My first job as a blogger will be to upload my old pieces to the blog for... archival purposes, I guess. Really, it's just so you can bask in my awesome. From now on, all of my articles will appear here before they appear in the paper. Better yet, they will be in all their uncensored glory, so any Sutherland readers who always wished that my articles had more unnecessary fucking profanity should fucking read them fucking here instead of in the fucking Sabre Trooth fuck. (Warning: the preceding sentence contained some material that may not have been suitable for a younger audience. Reader discretion was advised. Now that I think about it I probably should have warned you earlier. My bad.)

Your job as my readers is to read what I write and pretend to give a fuck about my opinion on things. This is not optional, because my ego is a fragile thing, (like that of all bloggers) and if you don't humor me I'll probably kill you in a fit of psychotic rage.

Anyway, welcome to the blog.
-Geoff Thew